Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Torremolinos & Gibraltar

The Four Amigos: Mark G, me, Mark M, Sharyn

Just back from a sunny break in Torremolinos near Malaga. Basically it was a holiday so we didn't plan to do to much. Really enjoyed hanging out with Sharyn, Mark and G! The four of us get on pretty well which is lucky because we seem to be spending quite a lot of time together. They were there for a week but as it was only 2 weeks in to the new school term so I couldn't justify a whole week off. I compromised by joining them for the first 5 days.

I won't bore you with a lot of writing this time.

A summary of the trip is provided in the pictures below.

Sightseeing: Me, G, Mark M - near Palacio Episcopal, Malaga

Tennis: Mark M. I hit the highest number of aces, keep practicing boys.

It's lucky we gave them racquets for their recent birthdays!

Lost guitar: G playing the guitar

Beach walking: Mark M, G, Sharyn

Photography: lost count of how many pictures were taken! View from Castillo de Gibralfaro.

Excursions: the Rock of Gibraltar

Eating: Sharyn & Mark eating their ice-creams at Castillo de Gibralfaro

Making new friends: The monkeys and me, Gibraltar

Clowning: mostly me, Gibraltar

If you enjoyed these pictures there are a few more if you follow the link below.

Hasta leugo, Anna

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