Sunday, 11 November 2007


The last month has primarily been taken up with work. Partly to pay for the last trip and partly to pay for the next. In case you are wondering, that is in a fortnight. Off to see Crowded House in Belfast! Counting down - can't wait.

There has been one trip to London - the weekend of the World Cup final. Had a great night out with Rachel and Karen in a pub in Fulham. Annoyed plenty of Poms and made friends with the few South Africans there. Can't say I was sorry to see England lose.

The week after my return from Italy was half term break - which meant no work. I helped out at a Children's Holiday programme a couple of mornings which was fun and kept me away from the shops.

Next I ventured to Oxford for cousin Mel's flatwarming. That was lots of fun and great to catch up with a few Kiwi acquaintances. I must warn you though. If you are planning to attend a party dominated by the calibre of students that universities such as Oxford or Cambridge accept - be prepared! You will no doubt meet some people who live in a very strange world. Some who very much like the sound of their own voice, talk for the sake of talking, whether they make sense or not. I suppose "sense" is a subjective thing.

Last weekend we had Cleo's 3rd birthday. Had lots of fun the night before making jelly. There was a sea theme. So layer one of the jelly in glasses was a deep bluish colour. It took 4 brains - 3 with science degrees to come up with a plan of how to suspend wee plastic fish in the jelly. After some trial and error dried spaghetti was used to thread clothes pegs which held the fishies at the right height. Ingenious! A few hours later and layer two of jelly was ready to be added - a nice greeny blue. They went down a treat. As did the three layer sponge cake with blue icing and a starfish.

Now the countdown is on. And I don't mean to Christmas. Sophie is about 36 weeks pregnant. Baby expected in early December. Each afternoon I get home from work and don't find Sophie and Cleo here I start scouting round the house. Often the TV is left on, sometimes there are toys strewn across the floor and half eaten food on the kitchen table. Is this a sign of a hurried departure, I wonder? Well, no not so far. But maybe one day soon it will be. I'll keep you posted.

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